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An unsettling realization that what you so desperately want will certainly cause your own destruction. On the stage of eternity, fleeting whims and selfish pleasures often make for great life theatre. The hero, the antihero, we frequently find that we are both, they exist within us the same. Though we fasten the lock, we also hold the keys to our own happiness and freedom. And the battle continues, until one can learn to choose a path to enlightenment and salvation.
Visions of the in between change her into something ethereal. Once illuminated she cannot go back. Her eyes are covered in order for her mind to be open. She has chosen her path, for she sits idle while the hands completely cover her eyes. Although she appears tranquil and poised, her spiritual energies are ablaze. Her focus is unknown as she remains detached in her demeanor. She radiates with enlightenment and her gifs are electrifying.
A man rests by the river after a weary day. The heat of the desert day is supplanted by the frigid winds of the desert night. The great migration some call it, whereas millions of souls leave their homeland in pursuit of a better quality of life. Many of our ancestors have left their homes to sojourn and venture into foreign lands so that their progeny would be potentially rewarded with gifts of comfort and sovereignty. Countless days and nights wandering in the wilderness with more hope and aspirations and less raiment. Time has shown us that such arduous odysseys require a great amount of sacrifice and humility.
The gates of the world of the dead await us all. These beautiful rags and fleshy raiment shall undoubtedly one day be claimed by the Earth for the rest of eternity. But what do the eyes see on the other side? What does the soul endure once the body is spent? The wonders of the afterlife intrigue us all as we await to cross the ancient threshold. The highs and lows of life are all gifts, while we yet draw breath. The gift of life is a precious and delicate one. Knowing that we all share the same destination, we traverse the Earth bending time and space to our will. We create stories to be told and live out prophecies without ever realizing it. We must remember that life is truly amazing, as the young and the old march towards the same earthy dwelling